Digital Media Launchpad

Yesterday we announced in partnership with Innovate UK, Creative Edinburgh and Festivals Edinburgh a new £1 million fund for startups who are interested in digital media innovation. Each project value will be approximately £100,000 to £120,000, with 70% of the funding being provided by Innovate UK. CodeBase will be active in helping applicants find the remaining 30%.

The scope of the project is digital media: activity to include the production, distribution or management of content, such as films, music, TV, games, and their associated data. This broad remit will allow startups to explore some exciting areas of creative discovery.

Full house of techies, creatives and entrepreneurs for our Digital Launchpad briefing

Full house of techies, creatives and entrepreneurs for our Digital Launchpad briefing


The full briefing for the projects can be found on Innovate UK's website.

The application process will initially consist of a video submission, no more than 2 minutes long. Production value won't win you extra points, just get the project idea across! Shortlisted entries will go on to provide a written proposal to cover the full scope of their project, followed by pitching day. Winners will then be announced and awarded funding.

Key dates for your calendar:

  • 8th June 2015: Competition opens
  • 26th August 2015, Midday: Deadline for video submissions
  • 22nd October 2015, Midday: Deadline for written proposals
  • 18th November, 2015: Pitch session
  • Q1 2016: Business support 

For more information, head to and make sure you sign up to the mailing list!