Turing Festival day one

In 2012, we launched the Edinburgh Festival’s one stop shop for technology and innovation, the Turing Festival. In the first years we saw speakers such as Steve Wozniak (Apple), Susan Poulton (National Geographic Explorers) and DJ Powers (Valve) grace our stage, inspiring an audience from all around the world.

This year we're back, and going to be bigger than ever. So far we are just announcing the first day of proceedings - our single track, Full Stack Marketing conference taking place on Friday 21st August at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre. We've got an all-star lineup, including:

  • Cyrus Shepard, Director of Audience Development, Moz
  • Oli Gardner, Co-founder, Unbounce
  • Lexi Mills, Head of Digital, Dynamo
  • Kieran Flanagan, Marketing Director, HubSpot
  • Ezra Fishman, Head of Marketing, Wistia
  • Kirsty Hulse, Head of SEO Best Practice, Linkdex
  • Amber Van Natten, Managing Editor, NewsCred
  • Mark Johnstone, VP of Creative, Distilled
  • Stacey MacNaught, Search Director, Tecmark
  • Mike McGrail, Founder, Velocity Digital

This day will address one of the key areas that startups often fail at - not just building an amazing product, but marketing it effectively. We're aiming to remedy that with one day of intensive, insightful talks from some of the leading lights of the industry.

Early bird tickets are now sold out, but full price tickets are only £99 + VAT.

We're also happy to announce the themes of the second and third days - Billion Dollar Scale-ups and a Blockchain Workshop. Details of these will be in due course - make sure you signup to our newsletter and follow @turingfestival!