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Organisational and People Development Meetup [Edinburgh]

  • CodeBase Ltd 37a Castle Terrace Edinburgh, Scotland, EH1 2EL United Kingdom (map)

Our first meetup will start at 18:30 on Wednesday, 23 October, at Codebase in Edinburgh. Someone will be there to let people in from 18:00, if you want to come along early.

This is our first get together and the main purpose of the session is to build some relationships and explore what we'd like this group and future sessions to be like. What are our motivations? What would we like to get out of this group? What do we want to geek-out about? How do we want to geek-out about it?

Given this is the first time we'll meet up, the session structure will be pretty light touch. The proposed outline is:

  • Welcome

  • 1:1 get to know you conversations

  • What makes a good developmental network?

  • What makes a good development / knowledge sharing session?

  • What topics would be good for future sessions

  • Check outs and reflections

Per the description of the group, this is really for anyone who is interested in people, team, leadership and organizational development and who wants to be share their interest with others.

Supported by CodeBase and Techscaler

Earlier Event: 23 October
Central Scotland Office Hours
Later Event: 24 October
Tech MeetUp - South of Scotland