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No coding? No problem! Build your tech startup without coding

No technical co-founder? No problem! Join us for this practical session on how to build your own marketplace without prior code knowledge!


16:00 - 16:10

Introduction to Low/No Code solutions...

...and how to use them to build a tech startup! (spoiler: you don't need to be technical or have a technical co-founder to start a tech startup)

16:10 - 16:50

Low/No Code build-along

Landing page (10 minutes) and 2-sided marketplace (30 mins)

16:50 - 17:00

Q&A and wrap up

About this event

Join us for this practical session on how to build your own software product without prior coding knowledge! If you're not familiar with the concept, this is a great intro to the world of "No Code" and Oli Littlejohn, VP of Research and Development at CodeBase, will talk you through the concept and how you can find no code solutions for your business. Everyone is welcome, especially if you're a non-technical founder of a tech startup, and hopefully you’ll leave the event with some more options of how to take your tech startup idea forward.

What is it?

This online event will be hosted on Zoom Webinars and will consist of an intro and use case of low/no code, and build along (landing page + 2-sided marketplace), followed by a Q&A session with the audience.

Startup First Steps

We’ll also be filling you in a little about our upcoming Startup First Steps Winter ‘24 cohort. The course, delivered as part of Techscaler, is a practical course, designed for current or prospective tech startup founders in Scotland who are in the early stages of their startup journey with the goal of getting a first version of your product into the market and acquiring users/customers.

What’s No Code / Low Code?

The no-code movement refers to an ecosystem of tools and platforms that lets anyone build and launch software without learning how to code. Learn more here:

Who is it for?

Open to everyone, and particularly well-suited for non-technical founders and potential founders of tech startups.


Once you have registered to attend you will receive confirmation of your ticket.

You will receive an email reminder prior to the event starting: it includes the link to join the event.

At any point, you can also access the link to join via the dedicated Eventbrite Online Page linked to your ticket.

Please note we have two tickets available for this event:

  • "Online ticket": sign up to this one if you wish to join the event live! If you wish, you will be able to ask your questions during the dedicated Q&A time. The week following the event, you will also receive a link to the recording.

  • "Recording only ticket": sign up to this one if you can't join the event live but would like to receive the link to the recording the week following the event.

What will I Learn?

This online event will:

  • introduce you to the world of No Code

  • empower you to start building your own solution, without prior knowledge of coding

  • remind you that you don't need to be technical or have a technical co-founder to start a tech startup

Who’s involved in this event?

Presentation + Q&A:

  • Oli Littlejohn (he/him), VP of R&D at CodeBase, Founder of NoCode Scotland

  • Natalie Hotchkiss (she/her), Education Programme Manager, CodeBase