Every industry is now experiencing the disruption of digitisation and data-driven transformation. However our traditional project management practices are struggling to keep up. As a discipline of control frameworks our PMO/PPM disciplines are no longer fit for purpose in today’s increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) industries and markets. In fact more and more change is being delivered without experienced project practitioners as the lines between BAU and change blur.
If every project is basically “amber” in today’s volatile world then we need a new way of measuring delivery, managing uncertainty and more importantly how we assurance business outcomes. As PPM/PMO professionals we need to leverage data-driven solutions and apply new skills to address this problem, otherwise we risk becoming redundant.
Craig Mackay - Chief Product Officer, Sharktower
20 years in experience in large scale program and transformation delivery working at all levels across project development, implementation, PMO, assurance and program director. Previously lead digital PMO, programme assurance and value management propositions for Capgemini in the UK. For the last three years at Mudano he has lead the development and go to market proposition as Chief Product Officer for Sharktower, the world's lead AI-driven project management software.
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